path: root/colors/base16-black-metal-immortal.vim
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-01-05Define matchup's MatchWord highlightGrégoire Paris
2022-01-05Fix #50 Unify colors for Repeat and ConditionalBonaBeavis
2022-01-05Tone down DiffDeleteBonaBeavis
2021-12-23Better diagnostic float highlightsBonaBeavis
2021-12-22Add cmp highlightsBonaBeavis
2021-12-15Fix #44 wrong highlight for PMenuSelBonaBeavis
2021-12-08Merge pull request #43 from fnune/improve-diff-and-foldingBonaBeavis
2021-12-08Merge pull request #42 from fnune/41-zenburn-treesitter-highlight-are-missingBonaBeavis
2021-12-01Tone down Folded and DiffDeleteBonaBeavis
2021-12-01Improve diff and foldsBonaBeavis
2021-12-01Align syntax highlights to base16 stylingguidelineBonaBeavis
2021-11-21Fix float backgroundBonaBeavis
2021-11-08Support Neovim 0.6 Diagnostic highlight groupsBonaBeavis
2021-11-08Use ! instead of defaultBonaBeavis
2021-11-07Fix LspReference highlight groups typo (#33)hungpt2702
2021-08-25Remove treesitter highlights (#26)BonaBeavis
2021-08-03Add Coc semantic token highlight groups (#25)nbn22385
2021-05-07Revert "Merge pull request #23 from cherrry/error-cursorline-fix"Fausto Núñez Alberro
2021-04-30Fix error group highlighting under cursorline.Cherry Ng
2021-03-25add support for LspDiagnosticsBonaBeavis
2021-03-19forgot makeBonaBeavis
2021-03-19improve cursorlineBonaBeavis
2021-03-18Something opinionatedBonaBeavis
2021-02-06Make WildMenu highlight easier to read/more like nvim pumFausto Núñez Alberro
2021-02-06Highlight Spell{Bad,Local,Cap,Rare} consistently to avoid clashesFausto Núñez Alberro
2021-02-06Build the whitespace highlight group changeFausto Núñez Alberro
2021-01-26Wrap Neovim-specific groups in has("nvim")Fausto Núñez Alberro
2021-01-26Support Neovim built-in LSP highlight groupsFausto Núñez Alberro
2021-01-26Support nvim-treesitter highlight groupsFausto Núñez Alberro
2021-01-26Run make with the changesFausto Núñez Alberro
2021-01-24Build the project with the changes from PR #7Fausto Núñez Alberro
2019-06-07Updates outputChris Kempson
2019-05-22Merge branch 'fix-tabs' and rebuild schemesDaniel Wennberg
2019-02-15Use local variables, don't modify a: dictDaniel Wennberg
2018-10-25Add ansi colors for vim terminalDaniel Wennberg
2018-10-08Updates outputChris Kempson
2018-05-24Updates outputChris Kempson
ment.Preproc */ .highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */ .highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */ .highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */ .highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */ .highlight .gh { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Heading */ .highlight .gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd } /* Generic.Inserted */ .highlight .go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */ .highlight .gp { color: #555555 } /* Generic.Prompt */ .highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ .highlight .gu { color: #666666 } /* Generic.Subheading */ .highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */ .highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ .highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ .highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ .highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */ .highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */ .highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */ .highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */ .highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ .highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */ .highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */ .highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ .highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */ .highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */ .highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ .highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */ .highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ .highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
" vi:syntax=vim

" base16-vim (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-vim)
" by Chris Kempson (http://chriskempson.com)
" Atelier Sulphurpool scheme by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbramdehaan.nl)

" This enables the coresponding base16-shell script to run so that
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
"   let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
if !has('gui_running')
  if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
    execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/base16-atelier-sulphurpool.sh"

" GUI color definitions
let s:gui00 = "202746"
let s:gui01 = "293256"
let s:gui02 = "5e6687"
let s:gui03 = "6b7394"
let s:gui04 = "898ea4"
let s:gui05 = "979db4"
let s:gui06 = "dfe2f1"
let s:gui07 = "f5f7ff"
let s:gui08 = "c94922"
let s:gui09 = "c76b29"
let s:gui0A = "c08b30"
let s:gui0B = "ac9739"
let s:gui0C = "22a2c9"
let s:gui0D = "3d8fd1"
let s:gui0E = "6679cc"
let s:gui0F = "9c637a"

" Terminal color definitions
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
if exists('base16colorspace') && base16colorspace == "256"
  let s:cterm01 = "18"
  let s:cterm02 = "19"
  let s:cterm04 = "20"
  let s:cterm06 = "21"
  let s:cterm09 = "16"
  let s:cterm0F = "17"
  let s:cterm01 = "10"
  let s:cterm02 = "11"
  let s:cterm04 = "12"
  let s:cterm06 = "13"
  let s:cterm09 = "09"
  let s:cterm0F = "14"

" Theme setup
hi clear
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-atelier-sulphurpool"

" Highlighting function
fun <sid>hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
  if a:guifg != ""
    exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
  if a:guibg != ""
    exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:guibg
  if a:ctermfg != ""
    exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermfg=" . a:ctermfg
  if a:ctermbg != ""
    exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
  if a:attr != ""
    exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . a:attr . " cterm=" . a:attr
  if a:guisp != ""
    exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . a:guisp

" Vim editor colors
call <sid>hi("Bold",          "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("Debug",         s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Directory",     s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Error",         s:gui00, s:gui08, s:cterm00, s:cterm08, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ErrorMsg",      s:gui08, s:gui00, s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Exception",     s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("FoldColumn",    s:gui0C, s:gui01, s:cterm0C, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Folded",        s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("IncSearch",     s:gui01, s:gui09, s:cterm01, s:cterm09, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Italic",        "", "", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Macro",         s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MatchParen",    s:gui00, s:gui03, s:cterm00, s:cterm03,  "", "")
call <sid>hi("ModeMsg",       s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("MoreMsg",       s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Question",      s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Search",        s:gui03, s:gui0A, s:cterm03, s:cterm0A,  "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialKey",    s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("TooLong",       s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Underlined",    s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Visual",        "", s:gui02, "", s:cterm02, "", "")
call <sid>hi("VisualNOS",     s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WarningMsg",    s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("WildMenu",      s:gui08, s:gui0A, s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Title",         s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Conceal",       s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Cursor",        s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText",       s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Normal",        s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr",        s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn",    s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine",    s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC",  s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit",     s:gui02, s:gui02, s:cterm02, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn",   "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorColumn",  "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine",    "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNr",  s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenu",         s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PMenuSel",      s:gui01, s:gui04, s:cterm01, s:cterm04, "", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLine",       s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineFill",   s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("TabLineSel",    s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")

" Standard syntax highlighting
call <sid>hi("Boolean",      s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Character",    s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Comment",      s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Conditional",  s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Constant",     s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Define",       s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Delimiter",    s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Float",        s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Function",     s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Identifier",   s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Include",      s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Keyword",      s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Label",        s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Number",       s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Operator",     s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("PreProc",      s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Repeat",       s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Special",      s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SpecialChar",  s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Statement",    s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("StorageClass", s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("String",       s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Structure",    s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Tag",          s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("Todo",         s:gui0A, s:gui01, s:cterm0A, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Type",         s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("Typedef",      s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")

" C highlighting
call <sid>hi("cOperator",   s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cPreCondit",  s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")

" C# highlighting
call <sid>hi("csClass",                 s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csAttribute",             s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csModifier",              s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csType",                  s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csUnspecifiedStatement",  s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csContextualStatement",   s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("csNewDecleration",        s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")

" CSS highlighting
call <sid>hi("cssBraces",      s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssClassName",   s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("cssColor",       s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")

" Diff highlighting
call <sid>hi("DiffAdd",      s:gui0B, s:gui01,  s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffChange",   s:gui03, s:gui01,  s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffDelete",   s:gui08, s:gui01,  s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffText",     s:gui0D, s:gui01,  s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffAdded",    s:gui0B, s:gui00,  s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffFile",     s:gui08, s:gui00,  s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffNewFile",  s:gui0B, s:gui00,  s:cterm0B, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffLine",     s:gui0D, s:gui00,  s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("DiffRemoved",  s:gui08, s:gui00,  s:cterm08, s:cterm00, "", "")

" Git highlighting
call <sid>hi("gitcommitOverflow",       s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSummary",        s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitComment",        s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntracked",      s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscarded",      s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelected",       s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitHeader",         s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedType",   s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedType",   s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedType",  s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitBranch",         s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUntrackedFile",  s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitUnmergedFile",   s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitDiscardedFile",  s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "bold", "")
call <sid>hi("gitcommitSelectedFile",   s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "bold", "")

" GitGutter highlighting
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd",     s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange",  s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete",  s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChangeDelete",  s:gui0E, s:gui01, s:cterm0E, s:cterm01, "", "")

" HTML highlighting
call <sid>hi("htmlBold",    s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlItalic",  s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlEndTag",  s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("htmlTag",     s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")

" JavaScript highlighting
call <sid>hi("javaScript",        s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptBraces",  s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("javaScriptNumber",  s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")

" Mail highlighting
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted1",  s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted2",  s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted3",  s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted4",  s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted5",  s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailQuoted6",  s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailURL",      s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("mailEmail",    s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")

" Markdown highlighting
call <sid>hi("markdownCode",              s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownError",             s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownCodeBlock",         s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("markdownHeadingDelimiter",  s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")

" NERDTree highlighting
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeDirSlash",  s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("NERDTreeExecFile",  s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")

" PHP highlighting
call <sid>hi("phpMemberSelector",  s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpComparison",      s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("phpParent",          s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")

" Python highlighting
call <sid>hi("pythonOperator",  s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("pythonRepeat",    s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")

" Ruby highlighting
call <sid>hi("rubyAttribute",               s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyConstant",                s:gui0A, "", s:cterm0A, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyInterpolationDelimiter",  s:gui0F, "", s:cterm0F, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyRegexp",                  s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubySymbol",                  s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("rubyStringDelimiter",         s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")

" SASS highlighting
call <sid>hi("sassidChar",     s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassClassChar",  s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassInclude",    s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixing",     s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("sassMixinName",  s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")

" Signify highlighting
call <sid>hi("SignifySignAdd",     s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignChange",  s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignifySignDelete",  s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")

" Spelling highlighting
call <sid>hi("SpellBad",     "", s:gui00, "", s:cterm00, "undercurl", s:gui08)
call <sid>hi("SpellLocal",   "", s:gui00, "", s:cterm00, "undercurl", s:gui0C)
call <sid>hi("SpellCap",     "", s:gui00, "", s:cterm00, "undercurl", s:gui0D)
call <sid>hi("SpellRare",    "", s:gui00, "", s:cterm00, "undercurl", s:gui0E)

" Remove functions
delf <sid>hi

" Remove color variables
unlet s:gui00 s:gui01 s:gui02 s:gui03  s:gui04  s:gui05  s:gui06  s:gui07  s:gui08  s:gui09 s:gui0A  s:gui0B  s:gui0C  s:gui0D  s:gui0E  s:gui0F
unlet s:cterm00 s:cterm01 s:cterm02 s:cterm03 s:cterm04 s:cterm05 s:cterm06 s:cterm07 s:cterm08 s:cterm09 s:cterm0A s:cterm0B s:cterm0C s:cterm0D s:cterm0E s:cterm0F