return { { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', tag = '0.1.8', dependencies = { { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim', }, { "nvim-telescope/telescope-live-grep-args.nvim", -- This will not install any breaking changes. -- For major updates, this must be adjusted manually. version = "^1.0.0", }, }, cmd = "Telescope", keys = { { '', 'Telescope buffers', desc = 'Telescope buffers' }, { '', 'Telescope find_files', desc = 'Telescope find files' }, { '', 'Telescope live_grep', desc = 'Telescope live grep' }, }, config = function() local telescope = require("telescope") local lga_actions = require("telescope-live-grep-args.actions") -- first setup telescope telescope.setup({ extensions = { live_grep_args = { auto_quoting = true, -- enable/disable auto-quoting -- define mappings, e.g. mappings = { -- extend mappings i = { [""] = lga_actions.quote_prompt(), [""] = lga_actions.quote_prompt({ postfix = " --iglob " }), -- freeze the current list and start a fuzzy search in the frozen list [""] = lga_actions.to_fuzzy_refine, }, }, -- ... also accepts theme settings, for example: -- theme = "dropdown", -- use dropdown theme -- theme = { }, -- use own theme spec -- layout_config = { mirror=true }, -- mirror preview pane } } }) -- then load the extension telescope.load_extension("live_grep_args") end }, }