return { { 'nanozuki/tabby.nvim', dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons', }, config = function() local theme = { fill = 'TabLineFill', -- Also you can do this: fill = { fg='#f2e9de', bg='#907aa9', style='italic' } head = 'TabLine', current_tab = 'TabLineSel', tab = 'TabLine', current_win = 'TabLineSel', win = 'TabLine', tail = 'TabLine', } require('tabby').setup({ option = { theme = theme, nerdfont = true, }, }) require('tabby.tabline').set(function(line) return { { line.sep('', theme.head, theme.fill), }, line.tabs().foreach(function(tab) local hl = tab.is_current() and theme.current_tab or return { line.sep('', hl, theme.fill), tab.number(),, tab.close_btn(''), line.sep('', hl, theme.fill), hl = hl, margin = ' ', } end), line.spacer(), line.wins_in_tab(line.api.get_current_tab()).foreach(function(win) local hl = win.is_current() and theme.current_win or return { line.sep('', hl, theme.fill), win.file_icon(), win.buf_name(), line.sep('', hl, theme.fill), hl = hl, margin = ' ', } end), { line.sep('', theme.tail, theme.fill), }, hl = theme.fill, } end) end, --cond = function() return vim.fn.has('gui_running') == 0 end, }, }