import configparser import os import sqlite3 import tempfile class DbManager: class __DbManager: config = configparser.ConfigParser()"mach2.ini") def iterdump(connection): cu = connection.cursor() yield("BEGIN TRANSACTION;") q = """ SELECT "name", "type", "sql" FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE "sql" NOT NULL AND "type" == 'table' ORDER BY "name"; """ schema_res = cu.execute(q).fetchall() for table_name, type, sql in schema_res: if table_name == "sqlite_sequence": yield("DELETE FROM \"sqlite_sequence\";") elif table_name == "sqlite_stat1": yield("ANALYZE \"sqlite_master\";") elif table_name.startswith("sqlite_"): continue else: yield("{0};".format(sql)) table_name_ident = table_name.replace("\"", "\"\"") res = cu.execute( "PRAGMA table_info(\"{0}\")".format(table_name_ident)) column_names = [ str(table_info[1]) for table_info in res.fetchall()] q = """ SELECT 'INSERT INTO "{0}" VALUES({1})' FROM "{0}"; """.format( table_name_ident, ",".join( """'||quote("{0}")||'""".format( col.replace( "\"", "\"\"")) for col in column_names)) query_res = cu.execute(q) for row in query_res: yield("{0};".format(row[0])) q = """ SELECT "name", "type", "sql" FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE "sql" NOT NULL AND "type" IN ('index', 'trigger', 'view') """ schema_res = cu.execute(q) for name, type, sql in schema_res.fetchall(): yield("{0};".format(sql)) yield("COMMIT;") def __init__(self): new_db = False cache_size_kb = 9766 if not os.path.isfile(self.config["DEFAULT"]["database"]): new_db = True if new_db: self.conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") self.create_tables() else: self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.config["DEFAULT"]["database"]) library_info = os.stat(self.config["DEFAULT"]["database"]) cache_size_kb = round((library_info.st_size * 1.2) / 1024) cursor = self.conn.cursor() # Setting pragma with ? placeholder produces an error cursor.execute("pragma cache_size=-%s" % cache_size_kb) cursor.close() self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row def __del__(self): if not os.path.isfile(self.config["DEFAULT"]["database"]): script = "" for line in DbManager.__DbManager.iterdump(self.conn): script = "\n".join((script, line)) tempconn = sqlite3.connect( self.config["DEFAULT"]["database"]) tempcur = tempconn.cursor() tempcur.executescript(script) tempcur.close() def __str__(self): return repr(self) def commit(self): return self.conn.commit() def cursor(self): return self.conn.cursor() def close(self): return self.conn.close() def interrupt(self): return self.conn.interrupt() def create_tables(self): cursor = self.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS album (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, date TEXT, musicbrainz_albumid TEXT)""") cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS album_artist ( album_id INTEGER, artist_id INTEGER, CONSTRAINT ALBUM_ARTIST_PK PRIMARY KEY (album_id, artist_id), CONSTRAINT ALBUM_ARTIST_FK_ALBUM FOREIGN KEY (album_id) REFERENCES album(id), CONSTRAINT ALBUM_ARTIST_FK_ARTIST FOREIGN KEY (artist_id) REFERENCES artist(id) )""") cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS album_track ( album_id INTEGER, track_id INTEGER, CONSTRAINT ALBUM_TRACK_PK PRIMARY KEY (album_id, track_id), FOREIGN KEY(album_id) REFERENCES album(id), FOREIGN KEY(track_id) REFERENCES track(id) )""") cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS artist (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT(2000000000), sortname TEXT(2000000000), musicbrainz_artistid TEXT(2000000000))""") cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS artist_track ( artist_id INTEGER, track_id INTEGER, CONSTRAINT ARTIST_TRACK_PK PRIMARY KEY (artist_id, track_id), FOREIGN KEY(artist_id) REFERENCES artist(id), FOREIGN KEY(track_id) REFERENCES track(id) )""") cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS track ( id INTEGER, tracknumber INTEGER, name TEXT(2000000000), grouping TEXT(2000000000), filename TEXT(2000000000), CONSTRAINT TRACK_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) )""") cursor.execute("""CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS artist_musicbrainz_artistid ON artist(musicbrainz_artistid ASC)""") cursor.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS track_filename_IDX ON track(filename)""") cursor.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS track_grouping_IDX ON track(grouping)""") cursor.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS track_name_IDX ON track(name)""") cursor.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS track_tracknumber_IDX ON track(tracknumber)""") cursor.close() instance = None def __new__(self): if not DbManager.instance: DbManager.instance = DbManager.__DbManager() return DbManager.instance