AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-10-12Fix colours, emamux, add mpdelMichaël Ball
2019-08-23Merge branch 'master' of github.com:michael-ball/dot-emacsMichaël Ball
2019-08-23Add supercolider modeMichaël Ball
2019-08-23Update custom facesMichaël Ball
2019-08-23Update custom faces (try again)Michaël Ball
2019-08-23Update custom facesMichaël Ball
2019-08-15Visual overhaul: use smart-mode-line and set proper colours for 24bit termMichaël Ball
2019-08-07Add xclipMichaël Ball
2019-08-03Set up base16 themes properly, config for dap-modeMichaël Ball
2019-07-26Hide minor mode indicators, remove ansible package, add projectileMichaël Ball
2019-07-21Add vue-modeMichaël Ball
2019-07-21Add writeroom-modeMichaël Ball
2019-07-20Big refactor: swap helm for ivyMichaël Ball
2019-07-02Improve lsp-mode settings, make vertical splits look betterMichaël Ball
2019-07-01Update for new lsp-modeMichaël Ball
2018-10-20Update font and neotree themeMichaël Ball
2018-06-30Change command for running rust language serverMichaël Ball
2018-06-30Add csound-modeMichaël Ball
2018-06-24Use base16 classic dark themeMichaël Ball
2018-05-03Initial commitMichaël Ball
2018-05-03Initial commitMichaël Ball