# Base16 Vim Supports console [Vim][1], graphical Vim and [Neovim][2]. Supports graphical Vim and console Vim. Over [200 themes][3] plus light/dark variations are available. Here are some of our favorites: The `classic-dark` theme: ![base16-vim classic-dark][10] The `horizon-dark` theme: ![base16-vim horizon-dark][11] The `onedark` theme: ![base16-vim onedark][12] ## Terminal Themes For terminal Vim (non-gui) please ensure you are using a base16 terminal theme. Have a look at the list of [official][4] and [unofficial][5] themes for your terminal of choice. ## Installation Add `colorscheme base16-default-dark` to your `~/.vimrc`. ### Vundle Add the following to your `~/.vimrc` file and run `PluginInstall` in Vim. ```vim Plugin 'base16-project/base16-vim' ``` ### vim-plug Add the following to your `~/.vimrc` file and run `PlugInstall` in Vim. ```vim Plug 'base16-project/base16-vim' ``` ### Pathogen ```bash cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone https://github.com/base16-project/base16-vim.git ``` ### Manual ```bash cd ~/.vim/colors git clone git://github.com/base16-project/base16-vim.git base16 cp base16/colors/*.vim . ``` ### Manual neovim ```bash cd ~/.config/nvim/colors git clone git://github.com/base16-project/base16-vim.git base16 cp base16/colors/*.vim . ``` ## 256 colorspace If using a Base16 terminal theme designed to keep the 16 ANSI colors intact (a "256" variation) **and** have sucessfully modified your 256 colorspace with [base16-shell][6] you'll need to add the following to your `~/.vimrc` **before** the colorsheme declaration. ```vim let base16colorspace=256 " Access colors present in 256 colorspace ``` This will cause vim to access the colours in the modified 256 colorspace. Please **do not** enable this simply because you have a 256 color terminal as this will cause colors to be displayed incorrectly. ## Troubleshooting There is a script to help troubleshoot colour issues called `colortest` available in the [Base16 Shell][6] repository. If you are using a ISO-8613-3 compatible terminal ([vim docs][7], [neovim docs][8]), and you see a green or blue line, try to enable `termguicolors`: ```vim set termguicolors ``` ### Green line numbers ![green line numbers screenshot][13] If your Vim looks like the above image you are using a 256 terminal theme without setting `let base16colorspace=256` in your `~/.vimrc`. Either set `let base16colorspace=256` in your `~/.vimrc` or use a non 256 terminal theme. ### Blue line numbers ![blue line numbers screenshot][14] If your Vim looks like the above image you are setting `let base16colorspace=256` in your `~/.vimrc` but either not running [Base16 Shell][6] or [Base16 Shell][6] is not working for your terminal. Either ensure [Base16 Shell][6] is working by running the `colortest` available in the [Base16 Shell][6] repository or not setting `let base16colorspace=256` in your `~/.vimrc`. ## Customization If you want to do some local customization, you can add something like this to your `~/.vimrc`: ```vim function! s:base16_customize() abort call Base16hi("MatchParen", g:base16_gui05, g:base16_gui03, g:base16_cterm05, g:base16_cterm03, "bold,italic", "") endfunction augroup on_change_colorschema autocmd! autocmd ColorScheme * call s:base16_customize() augroup END ``` ## Contributing See [`CONTRIBUTING.md`][9], which contains building and contributing instructions. [1]: https://github.com/vim/vim [2]: https://github.com/neovim/neovim [3]: https://github.com/base16-project/base16-schemes [4]: https://github.com/base16-project/base16#official-templates [5]: https://github.com/base16-project/base16#unofficial-templates [6]: https://github.com/base16-project/base16-shell [7]: https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/23c1b2b018c8121ca5fcc247e37966428bf8ca66/runtime/doc/options.txt#L7876 [8]: https://neovim.io/doc/user/options.html#'termguicolors' [9]: CONTRIBUTING.md [10]: screenshots/base16-vim-screenshot-classic-dark.png [11]: screenshots/base16-vim-screenshot-horizon-dark.png [12]: screenshots/base16-vim-screenshot-onedark.png [13]: screenshots/without-base16colorspace-256-with-256-terminal-theme.png [14]: screenshots/with-base16colorspace-256-without-base16-shell.png