! Base16 Monokai ! Author: Wimer Hazenberg (http://www.monokai.nl) ! base00: #272822 ! base01: #383830 ! base02: #49483e ! base03: #75715e ! base04: #a59f85 ! base05: #f8f8f2 ! base06: #f5f4f1 ! base07: #f9f8f5 ! base08: #f92672 ! base09: #fd971f ! base0A: #f4bf75 ! base0B: #a6e22e ! base0C: #a1efe4 ! base0D: #66d9ef ! base0E: #ae81ff ! base0F: #cc6633 ! Enable the extended coloring options rofi.color-enabled: true ! Property Name BG Border Separator rofi.color-window: #383830, #383830, #272822 ! Property Name BG FG BG-alt Head-BG Head-FG rofi.color-normal: #383830, #f8f8f2, #383830, #383830, #f9f8f5 rofi.color-active: #383830, #66d9ef, #383830, #383830, #66d9ef rofi.color-urgent: #383830, #f92672, #383830, #383830, #f92672 ! Set the desired separator style rofi.separator-style: solid