! Base16 Bespin ! Author: Jan T. Sott ! base00: #28211c ! base01: #36312e ! base02: #5e5d5c ! base03: #666666 ! base04: #797977 ! base05: #8a8986 ! base06: #9d9b97 ! base07: #baae9e ! base08: #cf6a4c ! base09: #cf7d34 ! base0A: #f9ee98 ! base0B: #54be0d ! base0C: #afc4db ! base0D: #5ea6ea ! base0E: #9b859d ! base0F: #937121 ! Enable the extended coloring options rofi.color-enabled: true ! Property Name BG Border Separator rofi.color-window: #36312e, #36312e, #28211c ! Property Name BG FG BG-alt Head-BG Head-FG rofi.color-normal: #36312e, #8a8986, #36312e, #36312e, #baae9e rofi.color-active: #36312e, #5ea6ea, #36312e, #36312e, #5ea6ea rofi.color-urgent: #36312e, #cf6a4c, #36312e, #36312e, #cf6a4c ! Set the desired separator style rofi.separator-style: solid