base16-horizon-schemeA Base16 scheme for the Horizon VSCode theme11 months
base16-synth-midnight-schemeA Base16 scheme using the colours from the album "Nocturnal" by The Midnight11 months
gid/auto-dark-mode[no description]11 months
gid/base16-footBase16 template for foot terminal11 months
gid/base16-nvimBase16 template and themes for neovim11 months
gid/base16-rofiBase16 templates for rofi11 months
gid/base16-schemes-sourceSource for base16 schemes11 months
gid/base16-swaylock-templateBase16 template for swaylock11 months
gid/base16-templates-sourceSource for base16 templates11 months
gid/base16-tokyo-city-schemeBase16 theme based on the Tokyo City VSCode theme11 months
gid/base16-tokyo-night-schemeBase16 theme based on the Tokyo Night VSCode theme11 months
gid/base16-vimBase16 template for vim11 months
gid/dot-emacsEmacs config11 months
gid/linux-rt-lts[no description]11 months
gid/scriptsMiscellaneous scripts11 months
gid/stAUR repo for st patched with boxdraw and ligatures support11 months
mach2A media streaming server written in Python11 months
michael/workfiles[no description]
passphrasegenA secure passphrase generator11 months
quodlibet-lastfm-similarityA Quodlibet plugin that adds similar tracks to the currently playing track11 months
rust-passphrasegenA secure passphrase generator11 months